Tuusulan järvi laiturilta kuvattuna seesteisessä auringonlaskussa. Moderni kulttuuritalo Monio Hyrylän keskustassa. SIsäkuva Moniosta, joka on maamme ensimmäinen 3-kerroksinen hirsikoulu ja ylipäätään yksi isoimmista hirrestä ltoteutetuista suomalaisista julkisista rakennuksista. Erivärisiä Lampaita suojakatoksessa. Tuusulan kirkon kellotapuli kauniina kesäpäivänä. Ihmisiä kokoustamassa.

Safe everyday life, functioning services

All municipal residents should have the opportunity for a good life, a safe and smooth everyday life, self-development and the promotion of their own health and well-being. 

Our goals

  • Local non political association, whose members represent residents from all over Tuusula and bring local expertise to communal decision making.
  • Movement where you can influence to things near by you.
  • It is a forum for discussions and co-operation, which work focuses on Tuusula and inhabitants living there
  • A network of local and regional influence that crosses party lines for open and democratic decision-making
  • Tupu is a bridge builder in municipal and regional politics: we act openly, courageously and together!


Are you interested in running for municipal or regional elections?

Tuusulan puolesta ry is looking for people interested in influence, to join its activities! Leave your contact information or membership application in the adjacent links, and we will contact you.

NOW it is your time to join a non-political influencing group!

Tuusulan puolesta ry

Chairman Carita Ljungberg
+358 40 508 0008  | carita.ljungberg@luottamus.tuusula.fi

Secretary Hanna Warro